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Monkees Alert News

March 27, 2011 by  
Filed under monkees alert

To all those people who voted,

On behalf of Micky and the FrodisCapers, I wanted to thank you for
voting for the top ten!

The following episodes made it to the top ten, so keep an eye out for
them on the UPN Screen Gems Network!

1. The FrodisCaper/Mijacogeo
2. Fairy Tale
3. Devil and Peter Tork
4. Monkee vs. Machine (tied with) The Monkees Christmas Show
5. Hillbilly Honeymoon
6. The Chaperone
7. Monkees on Tour
8. Monstrous Monkee Mash
9. One Man Shy
10. Monkee Chow Mein

Many, many, many thanks for your votes!!

And now a word from Micky:

Dear Friend,
Thanks so much for contributing to my research on the fave Monkee
episodes. The latest news is that the Screen Gems Network is going to
start showing the show in May. I’ll keep you up to date. Thanks again
for your help.
Hari Krishna Water Beds,

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