Peter Tork/Monkees Day To Be Officially Proclaimed On February 8, 2020 In Connecticut
February 3, 2020 by fred.velez
Filed under blogs, Fred Velez, monkees alert, news, news feed, peter

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has signed an Official State Proclamation designating this Saturday, February 8, 2020 as “PETER TORK AND THE MONKEES DAY” in the State. The proclamation will be delivered as part of the Welcome Ceremonies at The Peter Tork Memorial Convention for Monkees Fans coming to the Best Western Plus Hotel in North Haven, CT.

After the welcoming ceremonies and reading of the Governor’s Proclamation, enjoy all the Live Concerts; Special Guests including James Lee Stanley; meet+greets; guest authors; shop or browse at the Monkees & 60s Music/Memorabilia Marketplace and Rock n Roll Flea Market; view the Rare Videos in the Film Screenings Room; bid in the Charity Auction; Plus experience the Very Special and Historic Tribute to Peter followed by the Gala Finale.
CT Governor Ned Lamont’s Official State Proclamation reads as follows:
WHEREAS, Music has the ability to define a decade and a generation, connecting people, places, and cultures; and
WHEREAS, for so many, the music of The Monkeesepitomized and illuminated the Sixties and captured the zeitgeist of so many young people of the time; and
WHEREAS, the music and entertainment value of The Monkees continues to enrich and enhance our musical heritage and pop culture today; and
WHEREAS, Peter Tork of The Monkees resided in Connecticut most of his life and performed countless concerts in the state, ultimately passing away in February, 2019; and
WHEREAS, to commemorate Peter’s life, The Peter Tork Memorial Convention will be held on February 8, 2020, in North Haven, Connecticut for fans of Peter and The Monkees; now
THEREFORE, I, Ned Lamont, Governor of the State of Connecticut, do hereby officially proclaim February 8th, 2020 as
in the State of Connecticut
Such a great honor, and what a beautiful tribute to Peter and the Monkees in conjunction with the Convention.

Bands, Special Guests & schedule + more on website: Info: 203) 795-4737
The convention takes place in CT, where PETER and his family lived. In FEBRUARY, commemorating his one-year passing, but more importantly, his birthday month.
“We will make the world shine”
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